Law Blog

What Are Some Mistakes That The Police Can Make That Can Get Me Acquitted For A DUI?

man doing sobriety roadside test

Being pulled over can be a harrowing experience, especially if it results in a DUI. But, you’ll be pleased to know that there are plenty of mistakes that police officers make that may help a DUI lawyer in Toronto get you acquitted.

In this article, we’re going to go over all of the different mistakes that the police can make that can help you avoid a DUI charge

The Officer Failed To Maintain/Calibrate The Breathalyzer

Recalibration and maintenance of a breathalyzer are essential to ensure that they work properly. Though it is necessary, it is also easily forgotten by individual officers. If the roadside screening device used in your case was not properly maintained or calibrated, you could avoid a DUI.

In this case, a DUI lawyer in Richmond Hill will be able to investigate the recordings of the device, find anomalies, and challenge the DUI.

There Were Inconsistencies, Omissions Or Errors That Were Apart Of The Police Officer's Testimony

Any errors that are made in the police officer’s report or testimony can be used by a criminal lawyer in Toronto to help you avoid a DUI. Essentially, a lawyer would argue that the police officer’s recollection of events cannot be true if they have made mistakes in their report.

Generally, omissions, inconsistencies, and errors will need to be notable (i.e. the time of the incident is noted incorrectly in the report).

There Were Errors Made When Administering The Sobriety Tests

There are strict guidelines that police officers must adhere to when they carry out sobriety tests. With several different tests, it can be difficult to remember all the correct procedures. Fortunately, this will work in your favour.

A criminal lawyer in Toronto can do a full examination of your circumstances to find any ways in which the police officer that pulled you over, failed to adhere to the correct procedure. This can then be used to help you avoid a DUI.

Too Much Time Was Wasted

Roadside tests should be prompt and there is a certain amount of time that is classified as reasonable for you to be pulled over and tested. If the process took longer than necessary, this can raise a red flag to the lawyers you hire to defend you and it could be the cause needed to get your DUI dropped.

A criminal law firm in Richmond Hill can fully investigate the incident and decide whether or not this is a viable angle for your case.

You Were Not Advised of Your Rights to Counsel

Under the Canadian Charter of Rights you have the right to be informed of your rights to counsel, meaning, you have the right to contact your lawyer. If you were not informed of your rights to counsel this can help your criminal lawyer challenge your DUI charge. 

Call What The Law Today If You Are In Need Of A DUI Lawyer. 

Are you looking for a criminal law firm in Richmond Hill to help you avoid a DUI? What The Law has experience in impaired driving cases and is committed to helping you through this process. Get in touch with What The Law today to find out more about how we could help you.